Møller, Jørgen, and Svend-Erik Skaaning. 2021. “The Ulysses Principle: A Criterial Framework for Reducing Bias When Enlisting the Work of Historians.” Sociological Methods & Research 50(1):103–34.
Sociological Methods and Research期刊2021年第1期,又发表了丹麦政治学者Jørgen Møller的文章。这位是新兴的方法论学者,已经在该刊上发表了三四篇了,关注比较与历史方法。
* 确证偏见(confirmation bias):自己有了理论想法,找证据来套用确证自己的历史材料。
* 便利抽样(convenience sampling):什么样的历史材料好用就用什么历史材料。
1. 概念一致性:
* 尤其对于马克思主义、年鉴学派等理论成熟的学派来说,特别喜欢套用到以前的史料上确证,说这是“阶级”那是“阶级意识”。
* Moller建议,社会科学家需要证明历史学家的作品对于经验经验的描述,至少是根据他们自己的定义真的相关了,不要乱套用乱指认。
Criterion I: Social scientists must clarify the (explicit or implicit) connotation of the concepts used by historians and assess the relevance of the information based on its overlap with the concepts of the theory or theories under consideration. More weight should be given to accounts where the definitions are more in line with those of the theories under consideration.
2. 理解历史学的特定视角:
* 难道历史学家写的作品,就没有自己的理论色彩或视角吗?
* 社会科学家引用和分析他们作品,不能把他们只当成“便利确证的证据”,而要把它们看成理论视角下的作品,看看他们的假设—解释到底合不合理、和历史发生到底是不是一致。
Criterion II: Social scientists should not use historical work of other social scientists as part of their evidentiary record. Instead, they should rely on the evidence produced by trained historians. However, even here, they must probe whether these accounts contain a general explanatory thesis. If there is a conflict between, on the one hand, the historical interpretations in theoretically inclined accounts with hypotheses that correspond with those under consideration and, on the other hand, either relatively atheoretical accounts or theoretically inclined accounts with competing hypotheses, more weight should be given to the latter.
3. 更新史料
* 社会学家不要回避了!从事比较历史分析的学者们所形成的大量理论,多是从历史学家的陈旧研究中产生的。像名著《民主与专制的社会起源》,主要历史研究来源是1910s年代的英国史作品;《利维坦的诞生》一书的主要历史研究成果来源是1920-30年代的Hintze的研究。
* 历史社会学家也要有史料意识,要知道会有新史料、新的历史研究
Criterion III: Before invoking older historical studies for evidence, social scientists should examine whether this evidence is corroborated by the more general development of the research field. Most importantly, they need to consider whether more recent historical evidence support or contradict older studies. More weight should be assigned to updated historical work if these are based on new evidence that makes previous findings outdated. Moreover, social scientists should in general shy away from invoking very old work for evidence.
作者从概念一致性、历史学特定视角和更新史料的角度,批评许田波忽视当时史学已对封建主义的新进展,而且她选择依据的 Downing(1992)和 顾立雅(Creel ,1970)对封建主义的理解是有很强的立场视角了。尤其是顾立雅作为海外中国史学家那一代,基本接触不到中国的考古史料,所以对中国的封建史角度是很有问题的。但许田波为了套用“封建”方面的概念框架,牺牲了新史料,再好的政治与社会理论,也只是强化了既有的历史学视角。